

He will come again

“He Will Come Again” is a thought-provoking short film produced by Logos Films under the visionary guidance of Shri Joy Kallukaran. The narrative unfolds with a compelling exploration of the universal theme of the last judgment, a moment when every individual must stand before Jesus Christ. The film delves into the profound concept of an ultimate reckoning, where the choices and actions of a lifetime come under scrutiny.

With a viewership surpassing 200 million worldwide, the short film “He Will Come Again” is also being shared across more than 5000 channels.

The Hope

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Dr. John Abraham in ‘The Hope,’ witnessing his transformation from skepticism to unwavering faith after his son’s inexplicable healing. This pivotal moment prompts Dr. John to abandon his prestigious medical career, establishing a clinic in a village where hope and healing intertwine. As the narrative unfolds, challenges arise, and false accusations cast a shadow on Dr. John’s mission. The gripping climax questions the very essence of hope, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats.

‘The Hope’ is a compelling tale of resilience and redemption, showcasing the transformative power of belief. Join us in this poignant exploration of spirituality, where Dr. John’s pursuit of hope takes center stage in a narrative that transcends the boundaries of doubt and darkness. Experience the profound impact of faith in this evocative story, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, hope remains an enduring force.

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